Friday, February 18, 2011

More Before and Afters

I have really been working hard lately but sometimes I don't have much to show for it.  I have many projects that require several I paint, wait to dry, come back for 2nd and 3rd coats, then coat with something that will protect the paint.  Some projects I have require purchasing plants or printing something from the computer.  So the last few days I have many projects started by nothing completed.  Let me show you some completed "before and afters"...





Here are some things I have recently sold...

I bought this pottery at an came from Canada.

I bought this bassinet at sold for someone who has a neighbor that is getting ready for a newborn!

Here I painted the basket and found these blue and white plates at different times and I added the material...they looked great together...

Here are some things I found thrifting last weekend...

What do you think?  They may not look like much but there are some winners in this group.  You will probably see them again real soon.

I would be excited it you wanted to forward my blog to your friends...the more the merrier! 

God is always at work around us
and often shows Himself
in the most “unexpected” ways.      



  1. You is a winner...what you can't see is there are some "dings" on the top and side so I am going to need to do work. I am hoping not to paint since it is a nice stain. We will see!
