Monday, May 9, 2011

Moms Make a Lasting Impact

My Mom died in November 1987 of Lung Cancer. I was 34 and just beginning to find out what motherhood was all about (my daughter had just turned 3 years old the day she died).  My Mom was a precious jewel and loved by all who knew her.  Her life was not an easy one but she never complained.  I never heard her say a harsh word about anyone.  She was kind, hard working, humble, and strong.  She knew the value of a dollar and knew how to make the most of what she had.     

I was a strong-willed child and at times our relationship was strained...she wanted what was best for me and I thought I knew better than she did what was best.  I realize now her wisdom has grown by leaps and bounds and many times I wish I could have talked with her about life and how to make it work.

She does speak to me because some of the phrases she used to say to me resonate in my head.  That is where I came up with the idea of  framing Momisms.  You can google them online and find dozens.  Oh yeah, what is a Momism?  They are famous sayings used by Moms or things your Mom would always say to make a point.  Like... 

•Money does not grow on trees.
•Don't make that face or it'll freeze in that position.
•If I talked to my mother like you talk to me....
•Always change your underwear; you never know when you'll have an accident.
•Be careful or you'll put your eye out.
•What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?
•Close that door! Were you born in a barn?
I bet you are thinking of some your Mom said to you.  Right?
What I thought would make a "sweet vingette" is to frame your favorite momism and place her picture alongside it.  Here is part of the display, I placed in the shop at Happy's...

Notice the picture above...that is my Mom holding me when I was a baby.  Just too sweet!

Okay, well, here are some of the Momisms I have framed. 


Well these are just a few.  I bet you have your own favorites.  I have plenty more in the shop.  I have cute frames to make many fact here are some of the frames I could use...

Some frames could hold multiple sayings with Mom's picture right in the same frame.

I would love to hear some of your favorite Momisms and how they have made a lasting impact on your life. 

If you are interested, I would be glad to make you a frame.

Happy Mother's Day!!!

God is always at work around us
and often shows Himself
in the most “unexpected” ways.      


1 comment:

  1. Pat, i love these. I was thinking about a sign like this with the 10 Commandments too. Just a thought. Thanks for all you do.
